
3 Ways to Stop Employees from Losing Company Uniforms

company uniforms

Linen and employee uniform loss is no joke. Linens and company uniforms cost a significant amount of money and repeated losses – no matter how small in number – that can really add up and hurt the company’s finances.

Unfortunately, too, even if the loss is due to employee neglect, the law mandates for you to cover the cost of replacement in most cases.

But, as the old adage goes, prevention is better than cure, so here are some ways to help you prevent employee-induced uniform loss (and completely avoid the cost that comes with them):

1. Start a locker system.

Installing a locker system at your business ensures that your uniforms are stored within the premises of your company. Aside from guaranteeing safer storage, the lockers are also a way to make sure that your uniforms are stored in a neat and sanitary place.

2. Label your uniforms with your employees’ names.

One of the most common causes of employee-induced uniform loss is mix-up. Prevent these errors by making sure each uniform is properly labeled with the name of its wearer. Not only does it effectively work for proper identification, but it also works to make each employee liable for the safekeeping of their uniforms.

3. Use technology to make sure each item is accounted for.

uniform rental service selection

We fortunately live in an age when there are countless easy and automated ways to track your company uniforms – RFID, barcodes, etc. In one seamless way, each item can be accounted for by a computerized system with minimal human error, making it easy to find out which and how many uniforms are missing.

But as with most anything, all these enhancements to safeguard your company uniforms against loss are likely to cost you money. Even something as simple as adding name tags to every uniform in your inventory is going to be expensive.

To save yourself the time, effort, and expense of securing your company uniforms, partner with a company that can help provide you with solutions for both maintaining and tracking your uniforms – work with Consumer Textile Corporation!

The CTC Method

uniform rental services pickup

CTC secures your uniforms in two ways: (1) Employee ID Labeling and (2) Barcode Labels.

With employee ID labeling, each uniform that we provide comes with a unique code that matches the employee’s name in the system. Meanwhile, the barcode labeling system records everything from number of items to types of garments delivered for each customer. These barcode labels are scanned at delivery to prevent mix-ups.

Keep your uniform loss numbers down without sacrificing the cleanliness and maintenance of your uniforms. Contact CTC today at 800-926-5646 to learn more about how we can help you ease the burdens of managing your uniforms!

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